Tuesday 28 March 2006

It was a Stirling idea

On the 04 February 2006 Gwen, Neil, Nat, Scott and I headed to Stirling for the day. It was fairly good value with the return ticket only costing £7.40.

The low part of the trip was the castle, it was supposed to be amazing and better than the Edinburghcastlel but in myopinionn it was lacking. There was a lot of work going on there and a lot of the rooms looked new. I had trouble picturing a guy in armor walking through thecastlel or even a fight between two armies happening.

The best part of the trip, was also part of the worst, was seeing the town of Stirling covered in fog. From up in thecastlel we where above it and it looked like we where above the clouds. After thecastlel we headed back down into the town where we decided that it was getting a bit late to try and get to the Wallis monument so we went to a pub.

My brother, not liking anything with any spice decided that he wanted Nacho's but with out that stuff that makes it spice. He ended up with a plate of corn chips and cheese.

Back at it

Well I have to start doing this again, it seems that as I am working here things are very much as they would be back home. But I am wrong, back home I wouldn’t have had snow in the last month, back home I wouldn't have meet Gwen, back home my Mum wouldn't have had to come and visit me cause I would have been only a 10 min drive away.
All these things and more make it important to keep this Blogg updated. Over the next few weeks I will attempt to update it with memories, trips and stories of things that I have done since I last posted.