Tuesday 25 September 2007

I have the iPhone here and it's working with a Telstra Sim Card in it... it is so gooooood..

Flashing the firmware

I have to wait for 20min for the Firmware flash to work, so close :-)

I have it

It is sitting on my desk, I am downloading an update for it before I crack it

Whooop Whooop Whoooop

Today is the day

Monday 24 September 2007

Back in Brisbane & the wait is on.....

I have ordered my iPhone, and it should arrive tomorrow....
I have to case on my desk every time I look at it I get a bit more excited

Sunday 23 September 2007

Charleville & Quilpie

Here are a few photo's that we took last time we where out in this area (early September 07)

Saturday 22 September 2007

Walkabout Creek Hotel

Yesterday we where just heading over to Mt Isa and we came accross a pub that we recognised. It is Croc Dundee's local watering hole.

Later in the day I was playing with the camera and managed to take this photo

Sunday 16 September 2007

It Works

I have hacked my Xbox and I am now streaming media off my computer to my TV. Once it is set up it's easy. If you want more info on how to do it just contact me.

Hacking my Xbox

I found a link this morning that described the steps on how to hack the Xbox. I have been doing it and it seems really easy. If you have the parts then it shouldn't take more then a couple of hours.
So far I have replaced the dashboard and I am currently installing the Xbox Media Center. I'll let you know how it goes.

Saturday 15 September 2007

So Much

So much to tell, but not really in the mood, so I'll see how this goes.
Last Monday I landed back in Brisbane. We left our car out there and we are planning on flying back out there early this week sometime.
I think that the plane we flu back in was one of the ones that was grounded in a recent Qantas safely scare. All I know is that the one we where in still has the wings attached when we landed.

There are a lot of photo's that I want to post from my last trip and I'll get them onto Facebook if I don't manage to get them on to the blog.

Friday 7 September 2007

Back in Thargomindah

We are spending our second night in Thargomindah and it looks like we are going to be stuck in this region until Monday afternoon as that is the next flight out of here. But it's not all bad news, I think that there is a party in Charleville tomorrow night that we are going to. Ute racing, bull riding and good out country fun. I'm looking forward to it, just not the hang over that I am sure to have on Sunday.

Attack of the donkey

We stopped for lunch yesterday at a town that consisted of a pub, and nothing else, not even a house, so I guess it couldn't be called a town. However the food was good and I think that we might end up eating there again today.
One thing that was a little disturbing, there was a donkey and he actually tried to lick the laptop. The door was left open on the passenger side of the car and this donkey walked up and thought that the laptop looked good, so he had a sniff and a lick of it. I'm glad I was the one driving that afternoon and I didn't have to work on that machine.

Thursday 6 September 2007

Here are some of the videos we have taken while we have been away. Not to sure when we are heading back to Brisbane yet, but I am hoping we'll be home by Sunday.

The New Line

In case you haven't heard, apple have released a new range of iPods. They are nice and I can't wait to get my hands on a Touch. The pricing looks good as well:
  • Shuffle - 1GB = $99
  • Nano - 4GB = $199, 8GB = $279,
  • Classic - 80GB = $349, 160GB = $479
  • Touch - 8GB = $419, 16GB = $549

Please Gwen can I have one?