Saturday 26 August 2006

Away Again

Well less than 4 weeks after I landed back in Perth I am on the move again. Nothing as fancy as round the world this time, nor anywhere as relaxing. I am away with work, traveling the south west of WA.

I am working for Ericsson testing the new Telstra 3G/HSDPA network. I started on the 16 Aug and after a bit of training I was sent off with another guy (more on him later). At the moment I am in Albany and we are testing the network in this area. I haven't been away with work before so getting my accommodation, food and any work related expenses covered is a bit of a novelty. Even the internet that I am using to type this is paid for by the company.

We are staying in Albany, and we plan on being here for a few days. It is great to be somewhere a bit different for work. Not that Edinburgh wasn't different, but when I was there I was living there, I called it home. When I am in Albany I am here as a tourist. On our time off we are seeing some of the sights, having a look around the town, doing the normal tourist thing.

I am traveling with a RF Engineer from Brazil, Marcio. Spending a lot of time with him makes me realise how well we have it. I am hearing stories about corrupt governments, bad healthcare and education, poor unemployment benefits and still high taxes.

We are making our way around in a new Ford Territory and I must say that I am glad I don't have to pay for petrol. It is about 1.40 a liter here..... No wonder I don't own a car yet.

We are staying at the best western motel, it is a nice place and of coarse I have my own room, with foxtel, a clean shower and toilet. It is a lot different to hostelling it around the world.

Well until next time, I might tell you a bit more about what I am doing, and how I am typing this blog.

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