Tuesday 14 August 2007

Coming to an end

Our trip is starting to wind up, in a little over a week we will have done over 6000km traveling the Queensland outback.
This is our last night in Charleville, tomorrow we have some more work to do in this area but after that we are going to begin the long drive home.

We have dubbed the road that we have done most of our driving on as the killing fields due to the number of dead Roo's and Emu's that there are on the side of the road. We didn't really understand why there where so many on that road until we where forced to drive at night. We had no less that 10 - 15 Roo's jump out in front of us. We did hit one, but it went straight under our two left wheels so it died instantly and it did not suffer.

I'm really looking forward to getting back home on Thursday and finally purchasing a car.

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