Tuesday 29 January 2008


Today started in the same location that I am typing this note from. I
awoke early to clean the kitchen, a job that I had put off from last
night, and to make breakfast. I headed to work at about 8am after
dropping Gwen in the city and by 9am I was on my way out to Toowoomba.
We had a bit of work to do just the other side of Tpowpmba and when we
had succusfully completed that we headed back to Tiowomba for some
lunch. We ate in a shopping centers food court, never my favourite
place and then headed over to JB Hi-Fi to check out what they had. I
was looking for a movie that I couldn't find anywhere else and they
did'nt have it either. When our break was over we headed back to the
office in Brisbane. On the way Vedran watched the stand up comedy of
Jim Jefferies and almost died laughing, however be warned, he isnt for
the faint of heart. We stopped for fuel and then made it back to the
office by 3pm, I finished off a few things and before I knew it, it
was time to pick up Gwek and head home. I dropped her off at home then
went back to the gym for a light work out. When I got home Gwen had
made a great soup, we watched the new Simpsons, cleaned up then it was
almost bed time.
17 hours later I am about to fall asleep, telling this storey for no
other reason then "Why Not?"

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Keep up the good work. Cheers:-)