Tuesday 18 April 2006


Hi All,

Well it is the day after Easter and all is quiet, well in my head it all seems loud after last night.
It was Marcella's birthday yesterday so Gwen and I headed over to their place for dinner then to party. It was a good night with all of us very merry and jolly by the end of the night.
I am coming to the end of my 4 day weekend now, but never fear I have another one coming up in a couple of weeks. I have taken the 28th off work for my b'day and it just so happens that the Monday after that is a public holiday as well. We (Neil, Mustard, Gwen & I) are planning to do a highlands trip over that weekend. It'll be great to get away.

At the moment I am ripping all Marcella's CD's as Dave got her an MP3 player and I volunteered to load it with her music. I am so nice.

Well that is all for now

Tuesday 4 April 2006

My Brother Arriving

He landed on the morning of the 12th January 2006.
The afternoon before Mum and I had a little chat over email and realised that neither of us knew what time he arrived or what flight he was on. I called the office that he was going to be working for over here and found out that they seemed to know even less that I did. How was this possible, they where supposed to be organising his first few weeks accommodation.

I took the morning off work and headed to the airport in the morning, hoping that I hadn't missed him. He arrived not long after I got there, looking like shit. That wasn't really his fault as he had just spent about 30 hours in transit. We got the airport bus back to my place where he showered and then a taxi to his work place. I got dropped of at work and then left him to his own devices.

Monday 3 April 2006

Mamma Mia

During the week I had an email from a mate asking me if I wanted to see Mamma Mia on the weekend (01 April 2006), I know a mate asking me to see a play full of white spandex and platform shoes.. A bit gay. But I knew this guy and we had shared a room for at least 6 months so it was all good...
As is becoming more and more normal I was running late. I was sitting at home just finishing my lunch and watching Scorpion King and I was thinking "I'll watch the end of this then do some internet and then head off to see the play". What I didn't realise was that it was 1405 and I was meant to meet outside the playhouse theater at 1410. So I ran out of the flat down the stairs and into a cab and I made it there by 1415.
The show was amazing, great music and dancing, including one show with guys in wetsuits, snorkel and fins.....
It was a story of a girl who was getting married and her search for her father. She found her Mum's diary and it could have been one of three men so she invited them all two the wedding. What followed was a singing dancing comedy where everyone ends up happy.
By the end of the show everyone was standing up and singing along to the songs. I never thought that I was much of an Abba fan but I seemed to know all the words.