Tuesday 18 April 2006


Hi All,

Well it is the day after Easter and all is quiet, well in my head it all seems loud after last night.
It was Marcella's birthday yesterday so Gwen and I headed over to their place for dinner then to party. It was a good night with all of us very merry and jolly by the end of the night.
I am coming to the end of my 4 day weekend now, but never fear I have another one coming up in a couple of weeks. I have taken the 28th off work for my b'day and it just so happens that the Monday after that is a public holiday as well. We (Neil, Mustard, Gwen & I) are planning to do a highlands trip over that weekend. It'll be great to get away.

At the moment I am ripping all Marcella's CD's as Dave got her an MP3 player and I volunteered to load it with her music. I am so nice.

Well that is all for now

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