Friday 16 June 2006

Germany - World Cup

I have never been a huge Soccer fan but it is hard not to get court up in it over here.
I am living in Scotland now and with the England / Scotland rivalry people here where never going to support the England Team.
The decision was made a while ago by the radio station here to support Trinidad and Tobago (TNT).
Last night they played England.
The final score was 2-0, in favor of England and we knew that the result was going to be like that before the game started. The amazing this was that it took England 83 minutes to score their first goal. TNT almost scored at half time but it knocked out. They almost scored again at the 92 minute mark, but it was ruled off side.

It was a great night at the 3 Sisters, and there is still hope, if England win 2 - 0 in their next game and if TNT win 2 - 0 then TNT will get through to the next round.

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