Tuesday 13 June 2006

Since I last blogged, Australia beat Japan 3 - 1 in their first game of the world cup, that's huge. It was played at 2pm UK time and we only remembered at about 3.30pm that the game was on. I was at work so I logged onto the FIFA web page and brought up the realtime info on the game. It seemed that everytime the page refreshed we got another goal. It turns out that every one of our goals was scored after the 80th minute. That would have been amazing to see.

On Thursday I thought that I had the Paris fault closed, but then yesterday symptoms of the fault resurfaced and we are looking into that, what a kick in the teeth. At least I had a good weekend.

Gwen and I headed to Newcastle on Saturday where we caught up with Ant and Ian, the lads that we meet on busabout. We got a train to Newcastle in the morning and we met the boys around lunch time where they proceeded to show us around the town. It was good to have some local knowledge of the area, things like.... That's a good pub, that place sucks -you know all the important things.

The main reason that I wanted to go to Newcastle was for the beer. I have been drinking Newcastle Brown Ale for years back home so I wanted to try it in Newcastle. After the tour we went hunting for pub that sold the brown ale. It seems that it is a bit like Fosters back in Australia. We went into about 3 bars before we found any, and even then I was the only one drinking it. Gwen got a pint, but didn't like it so I helped her out with it (I'm a nice guy :-). We got a train home later on in the afternoon, all in all it was a great way to spend a day.

On Sunday we didn't to much. Walked around town (Edinburgh) a bit had a look in a few shops but not much else.

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