Friday 8 September 2006

Back in Perth

Well I have been back in Perth for a couple of days now after being away for a week and a half. Work is good, things seem a lot quieter in the office then they are on the road, it is 0825 while I am typing this and there is 4 people in the office, while we where on the road we always started at 8 some times earlier....

Last night Pete Pat and I played squash, we played for about 2 hours. I think that is the longest that we have played since I've been back in Australia. We where fairly well matched up last night with all of us taking away some good victories.

I am not to sure when I am heading off into the country again, I think that it may be as early as tomorrow but I'll find that out later on today. I would be happy to work another weekend as I need the money and the tax man doesn't hit me to hard for working 7 days compared to 5 so it is still worth it.

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