Saturday 2 September 2006

Margaret River

Well it is confirmed that we are not going to be able to do any work today (Saturday), and there have even been rumors of me returning to Perth on Monday. It seems that Marcio has to get an X-Ray to forfill some visa requirement. Marcio is an RF Engineer that I have been working with. Most of the engineers on this job have been brought in from overseas and there fore visa requirements are always hampering the time line for the project. I think we might spend a bit of the day today checking out the wine region as well as some of the caves in the area.

We are testing the 3G network for telstra. It hasn't been launched yet but as we go around we turn on the network. We are testing Video and Voice calls as well as HSDPA (high speed internet) calls. What this means is that from your mobile you can get speeds faster then most people have in their home from the internet. It also means that where ever we go we have access to the internet. At the moment I am sitting in the car out the front of my motel in Margaret River typing this as the internet here is faster than everyone else.

Well I am not sure what we are doing this weekend but I'll keep people posted.

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