Friday 9 February 2007


I called about my bike yesterday and told that it should be there later yesterday afternoon or this morning. I am never to sure what to do at this stage, do I call them again or do I wait? The thing is, if it is ready this afternoon I am able to go and pick it up with a car and bring it back to work and ride it home from there, It'll be a lot easier than riding it home from Kenmore.

I am also waiting to hear back about me getting access to Dreamworld. I need to get into the theme park for work, so we are trying to get free access and that means contacting them and explaining what I need to do. I am hoping to get down there early next week.

This weekend I don't have to many plans. I have to pick up a computer desk that we purchased and maybe a futon bed/couch as well. If I have my bike I hope to go riding with some of the guy's from the office at some point over the weekend as well.

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