Saturday 7 April 2007


One thing I wanted to do since I arrived back in Australia is go camping with the boys. I didn't get a chance to go before I went to Brisbane so I took the opportunity to go Easter camping when I came back for a visit.
We went to a place called Pindalup. It was a old stop in the Bibbulmun track that is no loger used. It has a toilet to keep the girls happy (although it is a long drop) and a fire ring that helps us to control those urges to burn everything in site.

We had to help one of our friends get in and one of the jobs we had to do was drag a log down the street. It didn't take long for Mustard and I to work out how we could make the ride a bit more enjoyable.

Where we camp there isn't much water, but having a friend in the water industry always helps

We do more than just drink when we go camping, we also have to hunt for wood then burn it....

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