Monday 23 April 2007


The weekend just gone, I had to work, but it turned out OK.
We still went riding on Saturday morning, at Gap Creek, where Kent managed to almost tear off his rear wheel. It turned out that only a few things need replacing but it was enough to force him to carry his bike back up the hill and and a bill of about $350.
After that I headed into work only to find out that the office was locked and there was something wrong with the security system so we couldn't get in the door. I went home and had a relaxing day with Gwen. We watched a couple of movies and just chilled out. That evening we went to Dave's for dinner. On the way home I got my first puncture...

The next day we set out early for work and headed up North. We got about 50K's south of Bundaberg did a bit of testing but unfortunately the key we had wouldn't open the locks we needed to get into so we headed home.

For the start of this week I am learning a new job as one of the guy's here is going on holidays and I'm taking over from him. I am planning a few day's in the country in early May with this job and some long day's, but it's good to be doing something different.

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