Saturday 30 June 2007

It looks like the guy's over at have already taken apart and documented a iPhone:
Taking apart an iPhone

Riding, the iPhone & More

The iPhone was released in the US on Friday (this morning our time) and from what I have heard it was a big affair. I do not know of any violence in the line (unusual for the US) except for against one reporter, but they kinda asked for it.

I also headed out to the trails again this morning. Today we went out to some of the trails near where I live in Toowong. They where no where as challenging but I still had a good time. It's been a few weeks since I was last out riding, we have been a bit soft recently and not going out cause it has been cold. To those in the UK, in Brisbane we call cold anything under 10 (higher than your max temp's for most of the year)

Tonight we we are having drinks to bid farewell to Jonas. He has been one of the main people responsible for making sure that there isn't to much blood in my alcohol system since I have been in Brisbane. He is heading back to Switzerland but not before he puts on a BBQ and beers for us all.
I think it's going to be a huge night and with all the boys being in Melbourne tonight I bet that there is going to be 1 or 10 drunk calls made as well.

Wednesday 27 June 2007

The new iPhone is due out at the end of this week in the US, I am not aware of a date for release in Australia, but with Apple hyping this up so much I think that it's good that the US is a test bed as there is defiantly a chance that this is going to fall on it's face.

Tuesday 26 June 2007

Harry Potter

It's almost here, both a new Harry Potter book and a new Movie coming out. The movie released on the 12 July 2007 and the book on the 21 July.

Whooooop Whooop Whoop

Tuesday 19 June 2007

Early Start

Well I am having an early start today in hopes that I can finish early to. At the moment I am at the beach near Burleigh Heads just waiting for the switch to open in about 10 min.
The sunrise is amazing, I don't think I've seen a sun rise over the ocean before (being from the west coast).

Monday 18 June 2007


A little boy was lost at a large shopping mall. He approached a uniformed policeman and said, "I've lost my dad!"

The cop asked, "What's he like?"

The little boy replied, "Beer and women with big boobs."

Thursday 14 June 2007

I have to post this, he is amazing.....

Friday 8 June 2007


This was taken from an article on Whirlpool.

"The $59 price would just provide access to the customer line, and competitors would have to charge more at retail to cover other costs and add margins. It does however include a line rental component of $27, according to reports.
The price makes Telstra's FTTN look expensive compared to current broadband access costs, which offer the same speed for just $27 (without line rental). Decent broadband speeds (i.e. 24Mbit ADSL2+) would need to cost a lot more to make up Telstra's expected $85 average price.
Competitive Carrier's Coalition executive director David Forman said the pricing "confirmed everyone's worst fears". "Telstra's plan would, in one fell swoop, make broadband a luxury item", he said."

I guess I knew they would do it, but it still hurts to see Telstra holding back high speed broadband from the majority of Australian residents.

Wednesday 6 June 2007

I found the photo's of us on the 50km Brissie to the bay Ride. Unfortunately they are on a website that has copyrighted them and then insists on charging a truck load for them, so I am just going to link to the part of their site that has the photo's of me:
Super Sport Images

Saturday 2 June 2007

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Lat night Gwen and I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3. I was long and I only almost fell to sleep once, and anyone who knows me, knows that is pretty good.

It was good, but it was also long. One of the greatest things about the movie was the 25meter screen that we saw it on. This thing was huge. I am planning on seeing Harry Potter in Gold Class but if I want to see it a second time on the large screen I am going to iMax again.

After that we went to South Bank for dinner and a drink and a stroll through the markets there before we rode home.