Saturday 30 June 2007

Riding, the iPhone & More

The iPhone was released in the US on Friday (this morning our time) and from what I have heard it was a big affair. I do not know of any violence in the line (unusual for the US) except for against one reporter, but they kinda asked for it.

I also headed out to the trails again this morning. Today we went out to some of the trails near where I live in Toowong. They where no where as challenging but I still had a good time. It's been a few weeks since I was last out riding, we have been a bit soft recently and not going out cause it has been cold. To those in the UK, in Brisbane we call cold anything under 10 (higher than your max temp's for most of the year)

Tonight we we are having drinks to bid farewell to Jonas. He has been one of the main people responsible for making sure that there isn't to much blood in my alcohol system since I have been in Brisbane. He is heading back to Switzerland but not before he puts on a BBQ and beers for us all.
I think it's going to be a huge night and with all the boys being in Melbourne tonight I bet that there is going to be 1 or 10 drunk calls made as well.

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