Friday 8 June 2007


This was taken from an article on Whirlpool.

"The $59 price would just provide access to the customer line, and competitors would have to charge more at retail to cover other costs and add margins. It does however include a line rental component of $27, according to reports.
The price makes Telstra's FTTN look expensive compared to current broadband access costs, which offer the same speed for just $27 (without line rental). Decent broadband speeds (i.e. 24Mbit ADSL2+) would need to cost a lot more to make up Telstra's expected $85 average price.
Competitive Carrier's Coalition executive director David Forman said the pricing "confirmed everyone's worst fears". "Telstra's plan would, in one fell swoop, make broadband a luxury item", he said."

I guess I knew they would do it, but it still hurts to see Telstra holding back high speed broadband from the majority of Australian residents.

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