Sunday 30 July 2006


I landed in Honolulu late on Tuesday night and I had one day to see the place. I decided that I wanted to learn to surf, and what better place than in Honolulu to learn? I headed to the beach early on Wednesday morning and I booked my self into a surfing lesson at 1000.

After breaky I went back and meet up with my instructor, she ran us through the basics and we hit the water. I managed to catch the first wave that I went for and I even stood up on the board. Now admittedly we where using long boards but I was still fairly happy with myself. I stayed on the water for about an hour and by that time I was well and truly stuffed. I managed to catch a number of other waves, now I don't think that I am going to be winning the Ripcurl Masters or anything but I am happy with the progress that I made in only a couple of hours.

Later that night the hostel was having a pub crawl, so I decided to tag along. We went to a lot of bars, but I did get the feeling that it was a bit of a cash for guests thing. We went to a few bars and they where quite, not really the pumping bars that I was hoping for. But as always after a few drinks I didn't really care.

I headed back to the hostel at about 2330 as I did have a plane to catch the next day and I didn't want to be to tired for the long trip back to Perth.

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