Wednesday 26 July 2006

Los Angeles

After I landed in LA I knew that I had to get most into the one day as I left on a bus the next morning to go to Las Vegas. I got the shuttle to the Hostel that happened to be across the road from the walk of fame and also the location that they hold the Oscars.
I went for a walk down the walk of fame where there where guy's all dressed up in costumes, there where budding musicians wanting you to listen to their music, break dancers on the street and there was on that caught my eye, he was giving away tickets to live filming of shows. I grabbed one for’s fishbowl. It was interesering to see the filming of a live show, and something that I didn't know before was that they have a paid audience as they can not always guarantee that they are going to have enough people to fill the seats.
That evening I went to see a movie, as you do in Hollywood. I went to the El Capitan Theatre and saw Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest. It was great; they had an organ player when everyone walked in. After that there was a bit of a light show and there was also a display set up behind the screen and with lighting they put on a bit of a show.
The next morning I headed to Las Vegas.

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