Wednesday 26 July 2006

Las Vegas

On Friday the 21st July I set off for Vegas.

I went to the bus station a couple of hours early so I didn't miss the bus. However I did manage to go to the wrong bus station so I missed my bus. I got a transfer to the Los Angles bus station and I was set to get on a bus

We where staying in Harrah's, it's quite a nice hotel/casino on the strip. One think that did concern Mustard and I was that they put us in the Mardigra Tower... After checkin we headed over to meet Pete and Mike Coucil.

We meet them at the Paris Hotel, it is an amazing hotel that has a fake Eiffel Tower and an 1/8th size replicular of the Arc de Triumph. Inside the casino the roof made it look like you where out side during the day, it was a great blue with clouds and there was even a breeze blowing in the casino it's self. The drunker we got the more we thought we where outside. We played rapid roulette, and I didn't do to bad, I think I made about US$20 on that game and we played for a couple of hours and we had a few drinks. After that we moved over to another casino <<<<>>>> where I didn't do as well. I think that night I lost about US$100, but I was fairly drunk and if your playing you don't have to pay for your drinks.

My room on the first night had bed bugs so I didn't get much sleep. I went to bed at about 0530 after a huge night of gambling and got up again at 0930 to find that I had been bitten. I went for a walk, got some breaky and then went back to bed by 1130. When we got up at about 1530 the bites where worse and there was a lot more of them.
Mustard and I went down to the lobby to speak to the manager and she was very quick to get us into another room, but that was about it. We had to wait about 40 min for security to come down (but they did give us a $50 voucher to make up for that) and take a report we where told that we would be contacted in 3 working days by their risk management people. They weren't going to do anything about it then. It wasn't until we started to get annoyed and angry that they did something. If you know anything about bed bugs you will know that if you just move rooms with out cleaning your clothes then you will just take the bugs with you. We complained and said that we didn't want to pay for the room and that we wanted the hotel to clean our clothes. After a bit of talk they agreed to this and we still haven't heard from their risk management people (now Wednesday), so I am glad that we didn't leave it up to them. It is frustrating that while we where understanding and patient with them they weren't going to help us out, we had to get annoyed and almost yell at them before they would help us.

They moved us into another tower, this one called the Carnival tower and the room had a much better view (of the pool and the strip in the background) it had a larger bathroom and more floor room in the room it's self. We sent our stuff off to be cleaned by the hotel but it wasn't going to be back until Sunday night.

Earlier that morning Pete and his brother headed off so it was just Mustard and I left to run a muck in town. We had specific instructions from Pete that we had to got to a strip show in Vegas, and I'm sorry to say Pete, we never got there. But we did do one other thing that I knew you wanted to do but you'll hear more about that later.

On Saturday after we had sorted out all the crap with our rooms we decided that we would live it up a bit. We planned to go and play a bit of $5 blackjack at O'Shires and then move on to the Bilago for a but off dinner and to check out their casino. We went to O'Shays but they only had one $5 Blackjack table and there was no chance of us getting onto it so we played a bit of roulette before heading over to the Bilagio. We had dinner there and then made our way onto the gaming floor. I couldn't believe the amount of money people where betting on cards on the main floor. The kind of bets they where placing I thought belonged in the High Steaks room, there where tables there win a min bet of US$500 and US$1000 for blackjack, a game that moves quite fast.
We played the machines for a bit before hitting the roulette (it was one of our fav games). Things where going well with our system of the black/red betting before a table had a run of about 15 black numbers. By the end of it I was betting US$150 on each spin, but I got all my money back when it came up red :-)
After that near miss we headed back to the Hotel to get some sleep, it was ealry for Vegas (0130)

On Sunday we started early (1200) and headed out for breakfast before finding a $5 Blackjack table. We sat down there for about 4 hours and tipped the hostess that was bringing us our drinks and so they came faster and stronger. The rest of the night was a bit of a blur, but I will try to recreate it. After we left there we headed back to our Casino where we saw that they where doing karokee in the piano bar, as you all would know I couldn't walk past that. Mustard and I stopped in there had a had a little sing. The question was what song. We realised that there was only one song that we could sing, Down Under.... So we did and everyone loved us, we where the hits of the night. Infact I think if we had our green cards the hotel might have hired us, well that is what it seemed like at the time. After that we went and had some dinner in the restraunt in the Hotel, thanks to the $50 voucher that we had. I know that we had Calimarie for a started but I can't really remember what we had for the main, it might have been a burger. A few more drinks there and we decided that we where going to a casino that we hadn't been to before, the Hilton. The Hilton is a theamed casino, and it is of coarse..........STAR TREK........ Unfortunately by the time we got there the Star Trek Experience has closed for the day but we still managed to get a lot of good photos around the place.

We headed back to our hotel after that and Mustard called it a night. I wasn't ready for bed so I hit the casino again, this time winning about US$70 before I went to bed. The next morning we had to check out and we found that they had charged us for the laundry, it came to US$180 to wash our clothes. We went down and spoke to them and told them that we weren't paying for it and they removed it from our bill.

My bus trip back to LA wasn't as successfully as my trip to Las Vegas. I got to the bus station at about 1100 for a bus that was going to leave at 1200 and I still managed to miss the bus. The line to pick up the tickets was huge. I managed to get on a but at 1330 however about an hour into the trip as we where crossing the desert came apon a traffic jam. It turned out that a truck had caught on fire and was blocking the road. It took us about 2 hours to get past that and then 30min later we had to stop at another Greyhound bus that had broken down. It turned out that it was the 1200 bus that I was meant to get and they had been sitting out in the desert for about 3 hours, now you have to remember that the temp out there is about 48 Celsius, not to cool. We put most of them on our bus and then headed off again. When we stopped at the lunch break we came across another group of Greyhound customers that had been stranded there so we filled the isles with those people as well. We finally got into LA at about 2330, when I was meant to be there at 1800. I got a cab back to the hostel where I went straight to bed.

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